"au-delà de l'imaginable" la catastrophe de la valdaine du 6 juin 2002
Accueil >> Documentation >> Bibliothèque >> Towards a Culture of Prevention : Disaster Risk Reduction begins at school : Good practices and Lessons Learned


Towards a Culture of Prevention : Disaster Risk Reduction begins at school : Good practices and Lessons Learned

Auteurs : United Nations / International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Année de parution : 2007
Editeur : Genève : UN/ISDR
Langue : Anglais
Pagination : 143 p.

This publication is part of ongoing efforts made under the theme "Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School", a theme selected for the World Disaster Reduction Campaign 2006-2007, coordinated by the UN/ISDR secretariat in cooperation with UNESCO. Schools are the best venue for sowing collective values, the World Campaign, therefore
promotes two major initiatives: making school buildings safer; and mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into school curricula. The following good practices are arranged under the issues of: 1) raising awareness within
school communities; 2) building a culture of prevention; and 3) making school building safer. They all involve school children, teachers and non-academic staff and, in some cases, even surrounding communities.

Type : Brochure / Plaquette d'information
Cote : INFO 07/03
Disponibilité : En consultation sur place


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