"au-delà de l'imaginable" la catastrophe de la valdaine du 6 juin 2002
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Chernobyl : Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

Chernobyl : Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

Auteurs : Nesterenko, Vassily B. - Nesterenko, Alexey V. - Yablokov, Alexey V.
Année de parution : 2009
Editeur : Boston, Mass. : Published by Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences
Collection : (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, ISSN 0077-8923 ; volume 1181)
Langue : Anglais
Collation : 1 vol. (XVI-327 p.) : ill., couv. ill. en coul., cartes ; 26 cm
ISBN : 978-1-57331-757-3

This volume, written by leading authorities from Eastern Europe, outlines the history of the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Although there has been much discussion concerning the impacts of nuclear accidents, and Chernobyl in particular, never before has there been a comprehensive presentation of all the available information concerning the health and environmental effects of the low dose radioactive contaminants that were emitted from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The official discussions emanating from the IAEA and associated UN agencies (e.g. the Chernobyl Forum reports) have largely downplayed or ignored many of the findings reported in the Eastern European scientific literature and as a consequence these reports have erred on the side of negative findings simply because much of what was known was not included in their assessments. This new book provides a complete and extensive summary of all known research, including that published in Russian and Ukrainian, and provides new insights to the likely long term health and environmental consequences of nuclear accidents.

Type : Livre
Lien : http://books.google.com/books?id=g34tNlYOB3AC&printsec=frontcover&hl=fr&cd=1&source=gbs_ViewAPI
Cote : RTN 09/11
Disponibilité : En consultation sur place


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