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Accueil >> Documentation >> Bibliothèque >> Stakeholder confidence and radioactive waste disposal : workshop proceedings Paris, France 28-31 August 2000


Stakeholder confidence and radioactive waste disposal : workshop proceedings Paris, France 28-31 August 2000

Auteurs : Agence de l'OCDE pour l'énergie nucléaire
Année de parution : 2000
Editeur : Paris : AEN : OCDE
Collection : (Radioactive waste management)
Langue : Anglais
Collation : 163 p. ; 27x20
ISBN : 92-64-18277-2

Any significant decisions regarding geological disposal of radioactive waste will need a comprehensive public review and a thorough involvement of all relevant stakeholders, such as waste generators, waste management agencies, regulatory authorities, local communities and elected officials. The participation of non-technical stateholders will become increasingly important as more countries move towards siting and implemanting geologic repositories. The decision-making process and avenues for stakeholder involvement differ from country to country. It is important to identify similitaries and differences, understand the key concerns of the various stakeholders, and develop means to interact effectively. The Nuclear Energy Agency recently set up a forum on stakeholder confidence charged with distilling the lessons that can be learnt from national and international experience. These proceesings provide a overview of OECD conuntries' experience in the field of stakeholder confidence and radioactive waste disposal.

Type : Livre
Cote : NUC 00/15
Disponibilité : En consultation sur place


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