"au-delà de l'imaginable" la catastrophe de la valdaine du 6 juin 2002
Accueil >> Documentation >> Bibliothèque >> In time for the flood : a methodological guide to local flood warning systems


In time for the flood : a methodological guide to local flood warning systems

Auteurs : Barszczynska, Malgorzata - Bogdanska-Warmuz, Renata - Koneczny, Roman - [et al.]
Année de parution : 2006
Editeur : Polish Committee for the Global Water Partnership
Langue : Anglais
Collation : 94 p.
ISBN : 83-88897-64-0

The Global Water Partnership (GWP), established in 1996, is an international network open to all organisations involved in water resources management : developed and developing country government institutions, agencies of the United Nations, bi-and multilateral development banks, professional associations, research institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. Here is the table of contents : 1- What constitutes an effective warning system ? ; 2- Check what king of system you need ; 3- How to build a local warning system ? ; 4- Collaboration is a condition of success.

Type : Livre
Cote : PREV 06/04
Disponibilité : En consultation sur place


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